Friday, November 26, 2010

Beat of My Heart

I don't think I have a heart anymore. You see, this guy walked in today, and when he walked out he took it with him.

No joke. A different guy than last time. I got over him. I was getting over him, and that was my final stage. Just had to blurt it out. Although not having posts between these two guys isn't helping the situation. I'm rambling now, and probably making the situation worse.


Said guy comes over today. We watched Alice in Wonderland, played the Wii, and then watched YouTube videos. Epic time. And during that epic time, those stupid butterflies would NOT go away! We started out sitting kinda far apart, and then by at most half an hour in we were sittingcloser. Then it turned into leg-to-leg. Holy crap. Butterflies went wild.

When the movie was over he just pushes me over (playfully). I'm surprised, so I pushed him back. He pushes me. I push him. Much laughter. Oh, and did I mention the butterflies? So after that we sit kinda awkwardly, talking about books, we decide to play Wii. We play NiGHTS. Awesome game. Pain to play. He plays a bit of one-player, then we race. I win the first, he wins the second. Much teasing about me not being able to use the controller. Then we watch stuff on YouTube. Funny stuff, music stuff, then So You Think You Can Dance. While we're watching it (the prom one, by the way), I'm crouching over to see the screen, and he leans against me. The butterflies grew into massive butterflies, and they were on crack, I swear.

Then he had to go. Inside, I was on hands and knees begging him not to. He gave me a hug. A long, tight hug. And then he told me "I'm not going to let go first." AAAAAH! So I had to let go. I didn't want to. At all. But my little brother was in the room, so I had to end it. And then we chatted for a couple minutes. And then he gave me another hug, and while hugging me tried to walk to the door. That was fun, but it failed (mainly because my little brother was there. Darn litle brother). And then he gave me a high five, which quickly turned into a clapping game. You know, the ones you used to play in elementary school. And then he had to leave. And I couldn't stop smiling. I hope he saw me dance giddily around, and then collapse on the couch, giggling. Because that's what I was doing.