Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Breaking the Habit (pt.2)

Since the beginning of time (also considered the start of this blog) the blog titles have been song titles. While very catchy, it keeps me from updating nearly as much as I'd like, because I have to go searching for new song titles that:

a) accurately depict the emotion of my post, and
b) I haven't used yet.

This is somewhat problematic. However, if these post titles bring you glee and joy and general frabjousness, I will keep using them. If they don't, then I might switch over to other methods of titling my blog posts.

How can you affect the outcome? Send me a comment with your feelings on the matter.

P.S. I'm also changing how I end my posts. You know that awkward moment at the end of every post where you want to say something witty to let your readers know that you're done? You that really awkward moment when all you can think of is not witty at all? I figured out a solution. Soren, out. As in over and out. A nice way to end, yes? (I'm crediting my ending to be reflective of Sak, one of my favorite artist's off DA. She's awesome.)

Enjoy your life.

--Soren, out.

Breaking the Habit

My semester is over (finally!).

Now I'm off to reading Harry Potter! I'm still on book 6 (Half-Blood Prince). I'm supposed to read books 6 and 7 by Friday so that I can watch Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 with mah friend, but I don't think that that's going to happen. I'm still in "Oh gosh, I can't be reading because I have loads of homework still!" phase. I dislike this phase. Very much. So I'm stuck almost halfway through book 6.

Have I mentioned lately how amazing free laundry is?