Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Almost Easy

I feel really fat. Like really really fat. I ate too much over this break (because my dang parents keep feeding me!). So now I have this bulging belly that threatens to become the next zeppelin. I can't wait to get back to college and go to the gym. I suppose that I could use the excercise bike here, but that would attract stares and questions and pointing fingers of smaller siblings, and the less attention my fat gets, the happier I will be.

On the up-side, we're about to trek out to the library. I will be getting a new card signifying that I have, in fact, turned 18 (because everyone knows it's not official until you get a new library card). This also means I can check out movies. I'm going to get "500 Days of Summer", "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", and "Never Been Kissed". The only one that might not work out is "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", but only because my mother hates that movie, and since I'm living in her house I have to play by her rules. I, on the other hand, consider that to be one of my favorite movies period.

I registered for next semester's classes, and I got so excited because I finally found an English class that had reopened and I got the last seat. And then I looked up the Women's Choir that I'm going to be auditioning for. They practice three days a week. On one of those days is my English class. Stab to the heart. I'm still going to try out, and see if the conductor will let me still join if I promise to practice really hard. I want this spot in the choir. They get to sing in the April General Conference. Heck yes, I'm going to find a way to be in this choir.

I'm ready to go back to college. I absolutely LOVE my family, but I'm very much ready to be independent again. Although, I have to admit, having full-course meals being served every night, complete with vegetables and other delicious things that you didn't have to monetarily worry over, is quite a trade-off. But I'm ready to be back in my own room.

The first thing I'm going to do when I get to college is go to Wal*Mart and buy a Fry-Daddy. Yessir, I'ma gettin' me a deep-fryer. That way I can make spicy chicken and potato skins and french fries to my heart's content. I love bein' from the South.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Thnks Fr Th Mmrs

Everything I have ever felt about any boy is now gone. My slate is wiped clean, my options are all open. I'm going into this semester ready to buckle down and show school what I'm made of, and to expand my social circle. I don't have roommates to do it for me anymore. I'm starting over with a brand new me.


Alright, so I'm still going to be the same. But my attitude towards things is going to change. I'm ready to stop moping around and instead change my circumstances. This break has been alot of letting go of feelings. Most of them. I'm still working on a couple of those.

I'm gonna let go and free fall into this semester. I'm determined to enjoy it, even if my Mesa roommates aren't there to share it with me (which breaks my heart, but I'm excited to meet my new roommate).

Thanks for the memories, everyone! They're dear to my heart. Now I'm moving on. Tally ho!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Tablet tablet tablet tablet tablet tablet tablet....

I just took my Chinese final. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Now I have to write out my Book of Mormon final before 3:45, and finish getting presents for my roommmates. And then study for my Science and American Foundations finals. And then I have to take my Math final. I have these butterflies in my stomach in anticipation of these finals, more like dread and fear.

And then I think about the tablet, and those butterflies turn to excitement. I'm torn between two, and the only reason I wouldn't get one of them is because I don't know if I can afford it. T.T Well, time to sell some plasma!

What a splendid pie! Pizza pizza Pie! Every minute, every second buy buy buy buy buy
Pepperoni and green peppers, mushrooms, olives, chives
Need therapy advertising causes need
therapy therapy

Haha, love that song. Chic'N'Stu by System of a Down. And it sums up my entire thought process right now. So hungry, but I don't want to cook anything because I'm going to be leaving this week and I don't want to mess the dorm up. Because goodness knows that I can vacuum and clean bathrooms like crazy, but when it comes to dishes, I'm a lost soul.

Tablet, tablet, tablet, tablet, tablet.....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

If I had a Million Dollars....

I'm feeling insanely aggressive right now. For no reason. And I have a final that I'm procrastinating that's due tomorrow. I'm not excited. Especially since I can't go work in my room (it's much too messy from me packing), and Boy Meets World is playing in the living room. And because I'm procrastinating, I'm blogging twice within, what, an hour period?

Good news is that I found a tablet here on campus. It's about $80, unless I get the tablet that's a pen and touch pad tablet. Of course, there's one that looks uber-awesome for $200-$300. I figure that I should get the cheaper one first, test it out, but hey! Art! From a tablet to the comp! With so many oppurtunities! Manipulations! Joy!

I need to go research this tablet, make sure it's what I want. But if it is, I'm so excited! Just think of all the possibilities! I would join the high ranks of DeviantArt! Not that that's the only reason I want one. They are so cool! I get more money next semester from scholarships, etc., and if I get as much as I did this semester left over, that tablet is mine! MWHAHAHA!!!

Now to what I think is the source of my aggresive feelings. I have this awesome roommate, I love her. There is this guy. I want to punch his face in. He totally was a jerk and took advantage of her. I'm not saying he's a downright, dirty-rotten, no-good word I can't say. Well, actually he is right now in my head. He hurt her, and that's not acceptable. The sad part is that he sees what he's done, and he doesn't care enough to change anything about himself. I'm ready to go beat him into a bloody pulp on the floor. AGGRESSION.

Absolutely (Story of a Girl)

This here is the story of my knee. It was a very good knee, until it died. No, don't worry, it has been revived. This is the story of how it died and then was revived.

I blame this whole thing on faulty brakes. In the summer of 7th grade, I crashed a motorcycle. No, not the big ones. One made for smaller kids. You see, my awesome uncle is amazing at building things and fixing things up. It's so cool. The only problem is that brakes don't always work. I've been crashing go-karts into fences since I can remember. So we were vacationing and visited him, and he brought this motorcycle out for us to ride. I decided to ride it. No brakes + turning on gravel = scraped knee. Badly scraped knee. It hurt so bad I couldn't cry.

Skip to high school. Sometimes my knee would refuse to straighten and I would limp around. Skip to January 2010. I was playing basketball. I ran, and something funky happened with my knee. Enter intense pain and inability to straighten my knee at all. Enter days where I stayed home because I couldn't walk because it hurt so bad. Enter sleepless nights where I couldn't move an inch or pain would shoot up my leg and into the rest of my body. Enter a doctor visit.

Apparantly a piece of cartilage had broken off in my knee and calcified between my bones. Ow. Its equivalent is a rock in your shoe. So a surgery was scheduled.

In said surgery, we had to go with worst case scenario. When they went in, they took the piece out (I still have it -- SO COOL-- and it's the size of a big lima bean), but they saw that my body had not filled in where the cartilage had broken off. They micropunctured my knee, making the marrow bleed and fill in the hole.

The funny thing from this is that I had no funky side effects from the anesthesia. Well, alright, there was one. The nurse warned me that, for some reason, teenage girls sob when they wake up from anesthesia. I sobbed like a baby. And then a nurse, a few minutes later, asked me if I wanted anything to eat. I asked for a chewy chocolate chip cookie, because that was the first thing that popped into my head. As those words left my mouth, I was thinking that what I said was probably one of the stupidest things I could possibly say. They didn't have any chocolate cookies. So she got me a Fig Newton.

I was out for a week, doped up on percocet. I love percocet. It made my life so happy that week. Because they microfractured my knee, I had to stay off of it. My leg was in a knee immobilizer, which took up most of my leg, and I had to crutch around. My leg was never to touch the ground. So I spent the next month on the recliner, with my awesome Daddy getting me Fresca because I thought it was fun to say. My family took such good care of me. I love them. By the end of the month, I could scoot up the stairs on my butt and sleep on my brother's queen-sized bed. My futon in my sisters' room just couldn't cut it.

I was getting quite good at crutching around. I read online where Criminals Minds episodes correlated their material with Matthew Gray Gubler's knee surgery, and I thought "My surgical brothah!" It made crutches alot more cool. I wasn't supposed to put any weight on it for nine weeks. After a month, it was time for me to leave for college. The doctor told me to go ahead and try to start walking.

Now, four months after my surgery, I can walk. The crutches are in the dark corner of my closet. I can kneel, finally. Sorta. On soft surfaces. I still cannot run. And the other night I pushed my knee too hard and I'm in pain. T.T But such is life, and after a good, long shower I will be happy. Well, after finals are over and I get to ride the shuttle home, and take a bath rather than a shower, then I will be happy. And if I happen to get a guy, that would just add to my happiness.

Frabjous Day! Callou! Callay!