Wednesday, December 15, 2010

If I had a Million Dollars....

I'm feeling insanely aggressive right now. For no reason. And I have a final that I'm procrastinating that's due tomorrow. I'm not excited. Especially since I can't go work in my room (it's much too messy from me packing), and Boy Meets World is playing in the living room. And because I'm procrastinating, I'm blogging twice within, what, an hour period?

Good news is that I found a tablet here on campus. It's about $80, unless I get the tablet that's a pen and touch pad tablet. Of course, there's one that looks uber-awesome for $200-$300. I figure that I should get the cheaper one first, test it out, but hey! Art! From a tablet to the comp! With so many oppurtunities! Manipulations! Joy!

I need to go research this tablet, make sure it's what I want. But if it is, I'm so excited! Just think of all the possibilities! I would join the high ranks of DeviantArt! Not that that's the only reason I want one. They are so cool! I get more money next semester from scholarships, etc., and if I get as much as I did this semester left over, that tablet is mine! MWHAHAHA!!!

Now to what I think is the source of my aggresive feelings. I have this awesome roommate, I love her. There is this guy. I want to punch his face in. He totally was a jerk and took advantage of her. I'm not saying he's a downright, dirty-rotten, no-good word I can't say. Well, actually he is right now in my head. He hurt her, and that's not acceptable. The sad part is that he sees what he's done, and he doesn't care enough to change anything about himself. I'm ready to go beat him into a bloody pulp on the floor. AGGRESSION.

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