Monday, March 30, 2009

Desert Rose

Alrighty! I am back....ish........*sigh*. I am really tired right now, and I haven't even gone back to school yet. Speaking of which, it took four hours to register. NOT my idea of fun. Here is my schedule:

Purple Day
1. Release Time Seminary - Griffith
2. Chorus - DeGraffenreidt (they just call him Mr. D, thank goodness ^.^)
3. Chemistry - Burton
4. Chinese 1 - Palfreyman

White Day
5. AP English - Smith (by the way, this is a senior-only class. Meep!)
6. Journalism 1 - Bryant
7. CP U.S. History - Medley (this is really APUSH, but the teacher wasn't AP certified or something)
8. Peer Tutor - Ford

So I totally forgot what else I was going to say in this post. Coming Soon: A new story written by the one and only Soren! Or, at least, the beginning of it. Eaven read it and liked it. I hope everyone else does. Until then, wish me luck. ^_^

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Highwayman

In honor of Nin, whom I will miss so very much.

And if the tears never seem to dry
Let them fall
Let them run down your cheeks
Down the crevices of your face
Let them flood down your soul
Cleansing in its wake
Let them be your melody
To the accompaniment of screams
Of curses
To the gray sky
Crying with you.

But remember to breathe
Remember what it is like with the sun
That light of warmth
The bane of my existence
Remember this and laugh
And then the tears will dry
And then your heart will stitch together
And come back
Come back to the body it has missed
Since before the tears
Before the advent
Before the smile

Remember me
Don’t ever forget
And move laughingly on
To that wide horizon
As I walk to that single point
To meet you.

This is not the end

This is merely the beginning of the next book.

I wrote this for you. Erm, I hope it's okay.
Come visit me soon.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Two people have died in two days. The first was a guy at West that had MRSA, who died the day before yesterday. The second happened just yesterday. The mother of someone on my bus, someone that lives down the street from me got run over by their moving van while her kids watched. I should be sad, maybe a little scared, but I'm not really. It just makes me think a lot about what my death is going to be like, what I want it to be like. I'm not quite sure yet. Maybe that's a good thing.
I got a 100% on my chemistry test.
Chemistry reminds me of when we got the news that one of the teachers died of cancer. That was this year. Maybe last month? I don't know. There's been a lot of death lately.
It makes me think.