Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Decisive Battle

I had the weirdest dream last night.

The first thing I remember about it was that I was in a battle. I got hurt. Many times. There was so much blood. I was in blue armor. I had a cape. There was someone else, a guy. He was hurt, too. I remember there being a girl there, and I was thinking "Don't let her see me. I don't want her to get scared." But she saw me. And blood came pouring out. My armor opened and blood mixed with water and poured out. I felt sick.

I had to shower the blood off later in the dream. The guy was handling the water pressure/temperature knobs, which were outside of the curtained stall I was in for some reason. The curtains were white. The floor was tiled. Little tiny square tiles, about the size of the ones in my dorm bathroom. My wounds were pink scars. I don't know how they healed so quickly. But I was still injured. The water still had to be gentle, and warm, not hot.

I don't remember hurting. That's the strange thing. Normally when I have a dream where I get hurt, I can feel where it happened. I can still feel where six bullets shot me in the back in one of my dreams.

Next I remember being in a church. It was the foyer of the church building in Danville, Kentucky, where I grew up. This segment of the dream was completely unrelated to the last part of the dream. Maybe. I feel like something more happened in my last dream, something that I can't remember.

It's Sunday, and I'm dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. I ask my dad to take me home so I can change. We take a detour. Somehow we end up in what almost seems like the middle of nowhere, until we reach a wooden shed that is a garage. Shed is too small a word. It was bigger than a shed. My grandpa was there. My dad's dad. We had ridden up in a red car. He climbed into the passenger seat, I sat in the back, Dad was driving.

Then I remember being in a gym. It had carpeted floor, like the church in Danville, but the setup was more like the Lexington stake center gym. Someone was being chosen. They wanted someone funny. Everyone in the group wanted me to be chosen. The lady in charge picked another girl, saing something about church humor not being the same. I tried to feel happy for the girl that was chosen, but deep inside I wanted to be the one that was chosen.

I don't remember anything after this. It all seems so random. These are the parts that I remember the most.

My back hurt when I woke up.