Monday, February 23, 2009

Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again

So Dad's in Utah right now. Darn, I miss him. But at least he's starting his new job today. We'll be moving soon (hopefully in about two weeks!). I'm really excited because it means that I won't have to make up all the snow days we have here. Hee hee. Erm, so anyway, I'm just going to ramble about random stuff because I feel like it.
So I watched the Mummy Returns and the Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emporer. And yet, I've not seen the Mummy. Oh the irony. In the Mummy 3 they speak a lot of Chinese, and I was actually able to understand some of it, which made me happy. I haven't taken Chinese for almost a whole term now, and I really need to review it. Blergh.
Sorry for those who read my blog and fanfiction for not updating. School has been ruling my life for the past year. I spend Saturdays just doing homework. I love my classes, but they require a LOT of work. But if it gets me into college.....
A friend of mine got into BYU Idaho, which is where I want to go, and by the time he gets back from his mission, I'll be in a higher grade than him. Mwahahahahaaaaa!!!
I think I am done rambling now. For all ye readers, I run out of subjects to talk about, so if you want to know something about me or whatever then just ask and I will reply in (probably) the next post.
I never know how to end these things. So.....See you soon! Especially you, Eaven!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dante's Prayer

I chose this song because I thought it fit for someone who is going to the Temple today! Woot! I am so excited! This one of the few times that I will ever dress up to school. For all you people who don't know why I would need to do that, the reason is thus: We leave at 4:15 in order to get to Louisville (which is a hour-and-a-half away from where I live), and school ends at 3:40. We have to be at the church at 4:00. That leaves precious little time to do anything at home, except maybe grab a snack because we won't be eating until late. It's so fun!! So I am UBER excited and at lunch right now. Well, I'm actually in the library, but it's lunch time. So I had probably better go. So.....enjoy whatever you're eating! And read (and REVIEW) my fanfictions, if you do not mind. I think that now that I'm on a roll, it'll be better. Do not be turned off at the first chapter. And comment. On here. Because I like to know what you guys think. I'm rambling again. Blergh.
Have fun on this blissfully rainy/windy day!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Soren's Story

She was sitting at the back of the bus, watching the girl with the coconut hair. She was a people-watcher, one of those who sat in the corners and watched what people did, how they reacted, and what different expressions meant. It was fun, she admitted, though sometimes she would have rather been one of those being watched.
Normally, she moved from person to person to avoid being caught staring at a stranger, and being on the receiving end of the snobs she had observed so often. But this girl . . . this girl was different. She could have sworn that the girl had even caught her eye and couple of times, yet the girl did not scorn or push her away. Instead, the girl had offered a small smile. This girl was so different, and so had caught her interest.
She had even caught the girl’s name: Eaven White.
She looked around warily for the voice that had softly called her name. Her eyes met Ian, only a seat away. He was one of the few that she was comfortable enough to call a friend, rather than an acquaintance, and he lived only a block away. His black hair swept into his eyes, adding a sense of mystery and confidence that she wished she could mimic. His black shirt today held the picture of her favorite band, Tokio Hotel. She smiled at the sight.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” Ian asked casually.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow was Friday. She thought.
“Nothing much,” She said.
“A bunch of friends and I are going to the movies. Want to go?” Ian, unless she was mistaken, looked slightly hopeful, something glimmering in his ice-blue eyes.
“I’ll see if I can go,” She shrugged, grinning. “I still have to ask my parents.” Ian chuckled. “I know how that is,” he answered. “I’ll call you, okay?”
“Hao de.” Soren answered. Ian rolled his eyes comically. He knew that she only spoke Chinese when she was happy enough to bug him.
The bus stopped. She stood up, ending up one person behind the girl Eaven.
“Call you later,” Ian reminded her. She looked back and nodded, her hands full with the textbooks that didn’t fit in her backpack.
On the way home, she trod slowly, somehow managing to stay behind the girl Eaven. She thought about Ian’s invitation. Now that they were both sixteen, they had not been able to go out on group dates, even though they were able to. She had known him for two years, the two that she had lived here in this somehow thriving desert. Yet they had fit together like two puzzle pieces as friends, and now that they were of age, they didn’t want to even think of each other as a couple, just friends. They both liked it that way.
She passed Eaven’s house as the girl was going inside, glowing, and almost walked into the boy she was with.
“Oops, sorry,” the boy said good-naturedly. She just stiffened, frightened to be in the attention of this boy, and scrambled quickly off, walking into the house at the opposite end of the street as his.

This was just a random rough draft that I just thought up. So it's rough. Very rough.
I kind of started rambling at one point. I hope this doesn't totally not match the description of your character, Eaven. I just always imagined Eaven looking just like you. Which she probably does. Gosh, I'm rambling again. GAH!
ANYWAY! I hope you enjoy.
Oh, and Calling is a song. It is by the J-rock singer Gackt and it is off the FFvii: Advent Children soundtrack.