Monday, February 23, 2009

Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again

So Dad's in Utah right now. Darn, I miss him. But at least he's starting his new job today. We'll be moving soon (hopefully in about two weeks!). I'm really excited because it means that I won't have to make up all the snow days we have here. Hee hee. Erm, so anyway, I'm just going to ramble about random stuff because I feel like it.
So I watched the Mummy Returns and the Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emporer. And yet, I've not seen the Mummy. Oh the irony. In the Mummy 3 they speak a lot of Chinese, and I was actually able to understand some of it, which made me happy. I haven't taken Chinese for almost a whole term now, and I really need to review it. Blergh.
Sorry for those who read my blog and fanfiction for not updating. School has been ruling my life for the past year. I spend Saturdays just doing homework. I love my classes, but they require a LOT of work. But if it gets me into college.....
A friend of mine got into BYU Idaho, which is where I want to go, and by the time he gets back from his mission, I'll be in a higher grade than him. Mwahahahahaaaaa!!!
I think I am done rambling now. For all ye readers, I run out of subjects to talk about, so if you want to know something about me or whatever then just ask and I will reply in (probably) the next post.
I never know how to end these things. So.....See you soon! Especially you, Eaven!

1 comment:

Eaven White said...

i am so darn excited that you are coming!!! I CAN'T WAIT!