Monday, March 30, 2009

Desert Rose

Alrighty! I am back....ish........*sigh*. I am really tired right now, and I haven't even gone back to school yet. Speaking of which, it took four hours to register. NOT my idea of fun. Here is my schedule:

Purple Day
1. Release Time Seminary - Griffith
2. Chorus - DeGraffenreidt (they just call him Mr. D, thank goodness ^.^)
3. Chemistry - Burton
4. Chinese 1 - Palfreyman

White Day
5. AP English - Smith (by the way, this is a senior-only class. Meep!)
6. Journalism 1 - Bryant
7. CP U.S. History - Medley (this is really APUSH, but the teacher wasn't AP certified or something)
8. Peer Tutor - Ford

So I totally forgot what else I was going to say in this post. Coming Soon: A new story written by the one and only Soren! Or, at least, the beginning of it. Eaven read it and liked it. I hope everyone else does. Until then, wish me luck. ^_^


StapleNinja said...

hey!!!!!! i have mine! i miss you muchly. you sound really tired, as am i. well talk to me, BFF!!! i shall see you. ps, i REALLY like Kyle. lol

StapleNinja said...

ps, i love that song i introduced you hahahahahahaha