Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rette Mich

For once, my song title thing is not in Chinese! Haha.... It's actually German for "Rescue Me", which is an insanely good song by Tokio Hotel. The sad thing is, the only video they have for it is in German. But that's okay, because Bill Kaulitz is SOO cool when he sings in German! And English!
I figured that if I had a dollar for every piece of paper I use for homework, I would have enough money to feed a third-world country. Sad, eh? I have been bombarded by homework and stuff. I suppose that comes with the AP classes.
Note to self: NEVER take an AP math class AGAIN!! EVER!!
Anyway, I'm now on yearbook. Cool, isn't it?
Also good news for those reading, we got a contract on the house yesterday! Meaning if it works out I will be moving soon! But we don't know how strong it is, so don't get too high of hopes.
I really hope it works out.
Wow this is getting long. I think I'm rambling.
So I should probably stop.
Okay, night!


Eaven White said...

AH!!! YOU ARE COMING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sam Mitchell said...

hey! i heart math! when you get here, make sure you sign up for 8th period, k? hooray for moving!
i heart doing fun things, and that's how i feel. yearbook=could be very fun! woot woot!