Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Anthem

And the high school
it felt more to me
like a jail cell
a penitentiary
but time spent there
it only made me see..............

Drumroll, please.
The SCHEDULE is here

1. Social Dance - Done
2. Drivers Ed - Yearby
3. AP Stat - Andrews
4. OSS 1000 - Lorensen

5. Adv. Creative Writing - Harris
6. Foods 1 - Dalton
7. Psychology 1010 - USU STAFF
8. Adv. Chorus (Show Choir) - Mourtgos

This is Term 1. When Term 2 gets closer I'll post that. I'm way excited for my silver days. Oh, since Stansbury colors are blue, silver, and I think black (XD) then the days are blue and silver.
School starts August 24.


Eaven White said...

Finally you post.... and it is your schedule. anything exciting happening in your life? I am at freshman orientation.... wooo

Celeste said...

Do you mean there is a black day?