Thursday, February 25, 2010


Suppose, for a moment, that you know a girl. She's just an average girl, not areal beauty, nothing too spectacular in way of raging talents of awesomeness, and, frankly, incredibly dumb in math. She's not athletic in any way, shape, or form. She's not a jump-in-your-face kind of person, quite the opposite. If you let her, she will spend an entire year of silence in class. She's done it before. Multiple times.

Suppose that she is flawed. She has a quick temper, one that rages and simmers, and is prone to emotional breakdowns. She doesn't tell you nearly half of what she's thinking, and hides behind her hair color in order to explain her weirdness, which she is proud of and embarrassed by at the same time. She's not good at conversations, and she's easily intimidated by others. Sometimes, she's lazy. She's much too annoying, and terrified of rejection.

Suppose that, somehow, you become her friend. Good for you! You have seen past the things that she hates most about herself, which is more than she can do most of the time. You can see that, once you are her friend, she will never let you down. She will be more loyal to you than . . . well, she would say a dog, but for some reason that just doesn't soundright. You will see her blue eyes, the one part of herself that she likes, and you will say "Wow, those are a really pretty color." She will smile, which will make you smile because that's just what happens. She doesn't smile much, so when she does it means something. You will see that she is good for something because she'll work harder than anyone you have ever known if she puts her mind to it. You will read her poems, and look at her sketches, or hear her sing in four different languages and say something to effect of "You're amazing." You will hear her twang, and laugh at her strange foods that she loves, and she will tell you what color your aura is (because she really can see it) and it will be different. And for that brief instant she won't feel like a complete failure.

Suppose you stay her friend. Suppose, just for a moment, that you can see past her skin, her personality, her strange love for poofy dresses, and just see her.

Tell me, what do you see?

We had to write an introduction for ourselves in creative writing. I chose to call mine Superman, because I feel that it's my main theme song for my life.

So, what do you see when you see me? Comment and tell me.


Maddie said...

I see a great friend who listens with as less judgement as humanly possible and as much care also as humanly possible. She takes everything you express into consideration when formulating a response. She's not afraid to tell the truth, even if it hurts.

I see a not-so-normal woman who loves it that way and embraces it in others. I see someone who accepts me for how strange I am. She is someone I thoroughly enjoy being around, and she is my friend.

Love ya!

Eaven White said...

I see you. for who you really are. A beautiful young woman who just wants to do the best she can but is a little bit confused as to how to do that sometimes.
You are amazing, sometimes incredibly frustrating, silly, smart, and no matter what you think of yourself, beautiful. I love you.

Ophelia Jay Thorn said...

:) i love it!!! o my gosh! ur freakin amazing with ur words! and i totally thought of pickled balogne when u brought up wierd foods! :) i'm a tad jealous even

Celeste said...

You were always nice and letting me sit with you at a table at Young Woman's camp, and at YW activities. You said "Hi!" and smiled in the hallway at school. You are very good at writing, playing the piano, and singing alto (both in the church choir, and in other songs, such as the one that the YW sang in Sacrament Meeting). You also invitied others who were maybe lonely to come sit with you.

Unknown said...

Its really hard to think of something to say that already hasn't been said. I really see you when I read this. I'm glad that we became friends! Its too bad that you're over at Stansbury, and I'm over at Tooele. Its been stated several times, but I think you are an amazing person. I feel honored to be your friend!

Sam Mitchell said...

I see a beautiful girl who is scared to put herself out there. She has many talents, but can be timid about sharing them.
You're different from most people, and you might try to hide, but the differences are beautiful.

Defying Gravity Girl said...

That's great, and very true except the part about being a total failure. I don't see that at all. You're unique and amazing. Love, Sis. Hansen : )

ketorin said...

I see an awesome friend, who can be strange and fun and I can be as strange around as I want to be. I can be myself and talk to her. I wish I could see her and have her in my classes (but no that stupid stansbury) we had a lot of fun. She is my friend and I am proud to be hers. I see a person who accepts people for who they are. Cause, hey, you have to be a little weird to accept me as a friend. You are an awesome person ^_^ Keep it up (that sounded kind of cheesy)


Anonymous said...

nice blog nice Lady ;))