Friday, May 27, 2011


Poll verdict: 50/50

Seriously?? C'mon, hopefully more than two of you read this blog...maybe? Ugh. Oh well.

Because of the lack of consensus, I am compromising. I'm going to stick to using songs, but instead of just using song titles, I am also going to allow myself to use song lyrics. I like this little arrangement, yes?

That's the good news.

Bad news: my cat is missing. Lireal (leer-ee-uhl) (n.) the most beautiful, wonderful, perfect, loving, amazing cat in the world.

I got her the week before my 14th birthday. She was only six months old, and she's been with me ever since (that's nearly five years). She's gone across the country with me. One day last week she was just...gone. I can't find her. And my heart is breaking, because she's my world. She's the longest friend I've ever had.

I really miss her.


Celeste said...

Lireal is missing? I really hope that you find her soon . . . (Maybe someone in the ward would know where she is, or maybe you could put a missing cat poster in the church?) Also, would she maybe be in a place such as the garage, if you have not already checked there?

Celeste said...

Or maybe you have already found her?