Saturday, July 2, 2011

Jai Ho

Do you believe in destiny?

I'm extremely frustrated right no...this whole money thing for college is freaking me out.

I was looking on Facebook saw someone two years older than me talk about something he and his wife did. His wife. I can't even imagine saying anything like that, to have a husband and to do things with him. I'm too freaking young right now to be married. I'm too young to worry about anything like marriage. Anyone my age is too young to be worrying about marriage. I mean, for goodness sakes, you don't even know yourself yet! I've been living on my own for two semesters and I still don't know myself very well yet!

I might believe in destiny, but I don't believe in love. Not right now, not for me.

--Soren, out


Celeste said...

What does Jai Ho mean?

K/M said...

It means "You are my destiny".