Thursday, June 30, 2011

Just Don't Deceive Me, Pt. 1

Once upon a time there was a girl. She was pretty when she smiled, ugly when she cried, and she laughed too much. She used to have two cats, but one ran away and broke her heart. The other cat was given away by her parents because they were moving. In her parents' eyes this was a necessary sacrifice. In her eyes, this was betrayal.

But enough of that, because this makes the girl cry, and she is ugly when she cries. Her face gets all pinchy, and you can't tell if she's smiling or not, and her face gets red. Like I said, not pretty.


Eaven White said...


Celeste said...

Oh, no . . . Sorry . . .

Celeste said...

. . . Do you maybe have pictures or a picture of them?