Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's a New Day....

Lately I've been sounding really depressed. It's been a really depressing time. Really stressful.

But it's getting better, now! The constant rain has stopped, and I've been getting out in the sun, and I've been hanging out with awesome friends, and I'm happier now. My dreams have even turned a bit happier. I don't dread them so much, anyway.

The best news is that there are two open positions at my dream job - the library! I printed out an application, and as soon as they're open I'm running it to them. I really want this job. I've been dreaming of working at a library since I can remember.

And that's my good news moment.

--Soren, out.


Celeste said...

Yay, the library! Which positions?

K/M said...

Library technician. So, I pretty much do everything. Check out, shelve books, the whole shebang.