Friday, October 21, 2011

A New King

I have a boyfriend!

Well, not really. He's an action figure on my desk serving as my makeshift boyfriend until I get a real one.

So my roommate has sisters. And said sisters sent her a small Smurfs figurine to serve as her makeshift boyfriend to make up for her lack thereof. She made the mistake of telling me, and I started teasing her (with love, of course). In retaliation, she promised to get me my own makeshift boyfriend.

Yesterday I get an email that I have a package waiting for me. I go to pick it up and I have no idea what it is. It's a small, rectangular box from Brian's Toys in Lexington, KY (irony, anyone?).

It was my makeshift boyfriend. Loki the action figure now sits proudly on my desk. I have one of the best roomies in the world.

It's things like this that make me love life.

--Soren, out.

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