Thursday, October 6, 2011

Try the Grey Stuff (It's Delicious)

Normally I don't care if people comment, but this time I really need your answers.

What is your "skinny" food?

By "skinny" food, I mean, what's the food that, when you eat it, makes you feel good and healthy.

Every time I eat something, I feel incredibly fat, no matter what it is. Right now ice cream sounds really good. Maybe I just need to eat cold foods.

The thing is that I honestly don't eat much. I don't have the time to eat, and I don't have to money to buy food all the time, so I have to be careful with what I have and make it last. I still feel really fat whenever I eat anything.

Please comment! I need to go shopping soon and I need suggestions of what foods to make me feel better!

--Soren, out.


Laura said...

Actually mint chocolate chip ice cream for me. Don't know why. But I love it! Also when I eat something healthy I normally feel pretty good. But when I am not feeling good about myself nothing helps but excersize. I go run 30 to how ever many minutes and I feel so much better, then I feel free to eat whatever I want!
So You just need to excersize a little bit, find your motivation (which is elusive) and hold on tight!

K/M said...

I do exercise. It's not helping.

Unknown said...

Yogurt and granola. If you like fruit you can throw some of that in there too. My mom swears by greek yogurt, but I just like plain vanilla. I also like eating hummus will veggies or pita bread.
Remember losing weight is 30& exercise 70% food. Exercise will help you build muscle and increase your metabolism but thats about it. Oh and try to not eat after a certain time at night, otherwise the food just sits in your stomach and turns to fat. No bueno.
Im just full of good advice today. :)
Love you, good luck.

Celeste said...

Ummm . . . maybe bran cereal (with or without milk), whole wheat bread and crakers, carrots, and celery. Sorry for not answering earlier . . .