Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tricksy Clock

I'm stuck.

I should be working on an essay due tomorrow about the etymology of a word, tracing that word and its usage back into the Indo-European origins.

Oi with the poodles.

I have no idea how to write three to five pages about something that is summarized in less than a paragraph on the Oxford Etymology Dictionary. I mean, really? The word voice came from the PIE (Proto-Indo-European) base "wekw-", which mean to speak, or to vocalize. I don't even know if there are any controversies over this. How do you research something so obscure? I guess I could discuss the gradual move from the PIE base into what we know now, using primarily Grimm's and Verner's laws.

And now I'm watching Criminal Minds while analyzing the nonexistent trends in Grimm's laws. Ugh! It started as a vocal fricative, and it's stayed that way ever since! There goes my brilliant idea! And I have no idea what the Great Vowel Shift entails! We haven't covered it yet! I don't have to write about it, but it was something they were talking about in class.

There is some variation, but I don't know when they happened, and they aren't explained by these laws. Can I go to sleep yet?

I am Writer-Rant! Hear me roar!

--Soren, out.

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